Colorful Public Holidays in Asia

Asia, with its diverse cultures and rich history, celebrates a multitude of vibrant public holidays throughout the year. These holidays often feature unique customs, traditional performances, and communal festivities that showcase the region’s cultural heritage. Here’s a look at some of the most colorful public holidays in Asia. Diwali (India) Date: Varies (usually October or … Read more

Public Holidays in August in Europe

European town square

August is a vibrant month for public holidays across Europe, with many countries celebrating various cultural, historical, and religious events. Here’s an overview of some notable public holidays in different European countries during August: Assumption of Mary (August 15th) One of the most widely observed holidays in Europe during August is the Assumption of Mary, … Read more

How VPNs Enhance Online Security During the Holidays?

backpacker sitting on a beach in Thailand

By 2024, the e-commerce industry is projected to witness a growth of 9.4%, soaring to a staggering $8 trillion by 2027, marking the first time it reaches this milestone. With the rise in online shopping, cybercriminals are seizing more opportunities to exploit unsuspecting individuals. Particularly during the holiday shopping frenzy. As we all immerse ourselves … Read more